Virginia Frey Scholarship

The Virginia Frey Scholarship Fund was established in 2008 to provide four-year full tuition scholarships annually to UCLA for incoming freshmen students from El Monte High School in Los Angeles County.

Covers the Cost of Full Tuition -- Renewable; Notification by April 7
Supplemental Questions
  1. Will you be graduating from El Monte High School in Los Angeles County?
  2. Are you a California resident?
  3. Have you submitted the FAFSA or Dream Act Application?
  4. Please provide the best cell phone number for the UCLA Center for Scholarships & Scholar Enrichment to contact you regarding your scholarship if necessary.
  5. Write an essay that discusses your goals as well as any challenges that you have overcome. What extracurricular activities and/or community service experiences have proven most important to you, and why?
  6. Please upload an official or unofficial copy of your high school transcript
  7. CV/RESUME: Please provide a CV or Resume.
  8. Please write a 100-150 word bio that focuses on your leadership and extracurricular experiences and includes a brief statement of current career goals.
  9. Please provide the name and e-mail of an individual who will provide a letter of reference. The recommendation cannot be from a peer or family member. Your recommender will automatically receive a link prompting them to upload the recommendation via the UCLA Scholarship Portal.
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