UCLA College Reentry Scholarship Program

For non-traditional undergraduates who have experienced a cumulative five-year educational gap or more, the UCLA College Reentry Scholarship was established in May 2008. To be eligible, applicants should be newly matriculating students pursuing their first baccalaureate degree and may be enrolled full time or part time, but not exclusively in online classes. Eligible applicants should ideally be aged between 25 and 50 years old at the conclusion of the present calendar year and should be able to demonstrate academic promise and a commitment to obtaining their degree. Eligible applicants must also complete the FAFSA or Dream Act Application and be able to demonstrate financial need on that basis or by other, verifiable means. International students, in order to be eligible, should not intend to return to their home countries to live and work upon graduation.

The scholarship is renewable if the awardee
• maintains a minimum cumulative 3.0 UCLA GPA (evaluated after spring quarter grades each year),
• completes 45 units by Fall Quarter of senior year, and
• participates in, or is committed to participating in, an undergraduate or off-campus internship. This requirement may be fulfilled by completing at least 2 units of
1) Course 99 (entry-level research) or
2) Courses 197, 198 or 199 (independent study/research) or
3) Course 195 (Community or Corporate Internship).

$5000 -- renewable; notification by May 22
Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you experienced gaps in your education that add up to five years or more?
  2. Please indicate the dates of your educational gap of five years or more by listing all the high schools and colleges you have attended and your dates of attendance at each one. Indicate any degrees or certificates earned.
  3. In order to demonstrate a cumulative educational gap of five years or more, please upload transcripts that cover all of your college and high school attendance at all institutions you have attended. Or, if your high school attendance is not relevant for establishing an educational gap of five years or more, you may omit high school transcripts. PLEASE NOTE: THE SYSTEM WILL ONLY ACCEPT A SINGLE FILE FOR UPLOAD, SO YOU NEED TO MERGE ALL YOUR TRANSCRIPTS INTO A SINGLE DOCUMENT BEFORE UPLOADING. PLEASE ARRANGE TRANSCRIPTS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER -- IT IS FINE TO BEGIN WITH EITHER EARLIEST OR LATEST CHRONOLOGICALLY.
  4. Why were your studies interrupted and what inspired you to continue your education? What are your goals after you complete your degree at UCLA?
  5. At the end of the present calendar year, will your age be between 25 and 50 years old?
  6. Are you pursuing your first baccalaureate degree as an undergraduate?
  7. Will you be enrolling in exclusively online courses at UCLA?
  8. Are you an international student and, if so, do you intend to return to your country of origin to live and work after graduation?
  9. Do you anticipate spending a significant amount of time in the workforce after graduation?
  10. Have you submitted the FAFSA or Dream Act Application?
  11. Means to Demonstrate Financial Need
    • Do you expect your FAFSA or Dream Act Application to demonstrate financial need or, if not, can you demonstrate financial need by other, verifiable means?
    • If you do not expect your FAFSA or Dream Act Application to demonstrate financial need, but can demonstrate it by other, verifiable means, please briefly explain. If you do expect your FAFSA or Dream Act Application to demonstrate financial need, you may simply write 'not applicable.'
  12. If you do not expect your FAFSA or Dream Act Application to demonstrate financial need, but can do so by other, verifiable means, please upload any documentation that you might have for that. PLEASE NOTE: THE SYSTEM ONLY ACCEPTS A SINGLE FILE FOR UPLOAD, SO IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE DOCUMENTS TO SUBMIT, YOU WILL NEED TO COMBINE THEM INTO A SINGLE FILE BEFORE SUBMITTING.
  13. Please upload a current resume that focuses on your academic achievements.
  14. Please write a 150-word bio in third person that summarizes your key academic interests and experiences and includes a brief statement of your intended major/minor and current career goals.
  15. LETTER OF REFERENCE: Please provide the name and email of an instructor, counselor or administrator who will provide a letter of reference on your behalf. Be sure to obtain permission from your recommender before submitting their name and email address. Your recommender will automatically receive a link prompting them to upload the recommendation via the UCLA Scholarship Portal.
  16. Please provide the best cell phone number for the UCLA Center for Scholarships & Scholar Enrichment to contact you regarding your scholarship if necessary.
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